Monday, August 31, 2015

Perfect Attendance-Summer 2015

Twelve students achieved perfect attendance for the 2015 Summer Trimester at TN College of Applied Technology at McKenzie.  Those students receiving Perfect Attendance Certificates were:  Administrative Office Technology Doris Berryhill and Merlene Pritchard; Automotive Technology – Ashton Beal, James Collins, Austin Iverson, Jason Kelly and Cody Lockhart; Industrial Maintenance – Jeffery Shavers, Joshua Cary and Tommy Gunter; Production Automation – Christopher Adams; Welding – Jason Lyles.

Jason Lyles and Jeffery Shavers also obtained the distinction of maintaining Perfect Attendance for the entire length of their enrollment.
TCAT McKenzie would like to congratulate these students on their outstanding achievement


Tuesday, August 11, 2015

First Graduates from Production Automation Technology

Pictured from l-r are:  J.D. Hauhe, Jereamy Smith, Kelon Johnson, Wyatt Walker and Colten McAlister

These five students are the first graduates of the “Production Automation Technology” program offered at the Dresden Campus of Tennessee College of Applied Technology at McKenzie.  All will be receiving a “Production Automation Technician” diploma.   The students studied courses in Industrial Electricity, Residential Electricity, Three Phase power, Motor Controls, Programmable Logic Controllers, and Robotics.
J. D. Hauhe will be employed at Kohler in Union City.  Jereamy Smith will be employed at Jones Plastics in Camden. And Colten McAlister will be employed at ABB in Alamo. 

Monday, August 10, 2015

Welding Program creates Eiffel Tower for W.G. Rhea Public Library

There’s a new Eiffel Tower replica outside the front doors of the W.G. Rhea Public Library, thanks to Tennessee College of Applied Technology at McKenzie and the City of Paris Public Works Department.

Connie McSwain, Director of Library, said TCAT-McKenzie agreed to take on the project of building an 8 foot tall Eiffel Tower for the Library. Mike Ogden, a welding student at TCAT-McKenzie did hours of research on the real tower in France, including the architecture and the history. After doing that research, students realized in order to have a better scale, they should build the tower 14 feet high as opposed to 8 feet high.   Public works crews from the city of Paris helped install the tower right outside the main entrance to the Library.

Those who spearheaded the project included Dr. Brad White, TCAT Director, John Penn Ridgeway, Assistant Director at TCAT-McKenzie, and Jimmy Kee, Welding Instructor at TCAT-McKenzie. Others included James Tucker, TCAT-McKenzie Machine Tool Technology Instructor (retired), Kila Palmer, maintenance, and welding students Keeanu Cox, Donald Pitman, and Mike Ogden. The project required 25 sticks of ¼ HR round which equals 500 feet. Each piece was hand cut and TIG was used to join the pieces together. It took the students 180 man hours to build the tower and it stands 174 inches from base to top.  At the top of the tower is an American Flag donated by McEvoy Funeral home.

 Ms. McSwain said the replica tower should be just another attraction for the community and visitors when they come to Paris. She said they are already planning a fundraiser around the tower called Locks of Love. Locks are available to purchase at the Library to lock your love on the fence surrounding the tower. The idea for this came from a story and program in France where people purchase a lock then take a boat ride to the river lock on the Sein River and, upon reaching the water lock, place their lock to symbolize locking their love and throw the key into the river.
TCAT McKenzie Welding student, Mike Ogden, was the first to purchase a Lock of Love and place it on the fence surrounding the Eiffel Tower. His lock is in memory of his mother who passed away during the creation of the Eiffel Tower. Jimmy Kee and John Penn Ridgeway followed suit, engraving and placing their locks on the fence.

TCAT-McKenzie was honored to be asked to help with this project.  A reception and formal unveiling of the tower was held August 7th, 2015.

Tuesday, August 4, 2015


Chris Kurt-Electronics/Telecommunications Instructor and Zak Crider- Machine Tool Instructor

TN College of Applied Technology at McKenzie is thrilled to announce two new additions to our faculty. 
Chris Kurt has been hired as the new Electronics/Telecommunications instructor and Zak Crider has been hired as the new instructor for Machine Tool Technology.

Chris, whose father was in the military, grew up all over the country, but his family is originally from Iowa.  He graduated from East High School in Dubuque, Illinois, and joined the Air Force shortly thereafter.  Chris has an extensive background in electronics and telecommunications, having served 22 years as an Electronics Technician while in the military.  He has an Associate of Applied Science in Electronics and also an Associate of Applied Science in Technical Education.  Chris retired from the Air Force August 1st, 2014 after 22 years.  He is married and currently lives in Paris, TN.  He joined the TCAT staff in January of 2015.

Zak is a native of Milan, TN.   He graduated from Milan High School and attended Freed-Hardeman University for 2 years as a pre-engineering major.  For health reasons, he could no longer continue his studies at Freed-Hardeman, so he changed his focus.  He came to school at TCAT-McKenzie and enrolled in the Machine Tool Technology program.  While enrolled in school, he was a member of the Student Senate, National Technical Honor Society, and SkillsUSA.  He represented TCAT-McKenzie at the state competition for SkillsUSA, winning a bronze medal in Precision Machine Technology. Zak completed the 20 month Machine Tool Technology program in a year, graduating and earning his Machinist 1 diploma.  He then continued his education at TCAT-Jackson.  While there, Zak again was chosen to represent his school at the state competition of SkillsUSA, this time receiving a gold medal in CNC Technician.  He then went on to compete in the National SkillsUSA competition in Louisville, KY, where he placed top ten in the nation.  Zak completed the Machine Tool at TCAT-Jackson, earning his diploma from there as well.  Zak joined the TCAT-McKenzie staff in July of 2015.  He currently resides in Medina, TN.

We are honored to have them join the staff at TCAT-McKenzie.

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