Students achieve perfect attendance
Thirty Four students achieved perfect attendance during the Fall Trimester at the
Listed by there courses of study, the students are Automotive Technology- Donald Bigham, Justin Oakes, William James; Bio-Medical- Kelly Guest, David Critchlow, James Newhouse, Kurt Thomas; Business Systems McKenzie- Tasha Lowe, Brandi Ownby; Business Systems Martin- Debbie Hodge, Betty Hicks, Megan Gonzalez; Computer Information- Cody Martin, Traven Parkhill, Danny Nichols; Electronics- Tyler Reeder, Tyler Norris, Keenan Bannon, Brian Laderman, Joseph Johnson; HVAC- Zachary English, Zackery Cox, Jonathan Mullikin, Randy Willis; Industrial Maintenance- Phillip Knott, William Talley, Ricky Wallace, Danny Moore, Jeff Spring; Machine Tool- Steve German, Ronnie Parrott; Practical Nursing- Ramona Palmer, Beverly Keymon, Jennifer Neisler, Amanda Gapen.