The Fall Trimester at the Tennessee Technology Center at McKenzie ended with Awards Day on January 9. The ceremony, organized and sponsored by the campus-wide Student Senate, was held at the McKenzie Cumberland Presbyterian Church and led by the Center’s director Elizabeth Check.
A total of 32 students received there diplomas or final certificates and numerous others were recognized for completing certificate levels during the fall 2008 Trimester. Also recognized during the ceremony were students who were inducted into the National Honor Society.
The students who completed requirements for graduation are: Automotive Technology- Jerry Ainsworth, Kenny Brewer; Bio-Medical- April Kincer; Business Systems McKenzie- Tiffany Clement, Amanda Oatsvall, Dustin Seay, Chrissie Reed, Dede Presson; Business Systems Martin- Alexa Rickman, April Todd; Computer Information- Taylor Fortson, Talitha Joyce, Andrew McCaleb; Electronics Technology- Jason Smothers; Industrial Maintenance Martin- Larry Mills, John Macyauski, Ryan Connor; Industrial Maintenance McKenzie- Bud Travelstead, Phillip Knott, Ricky Eaton, Ricky Wallace, Eric Goble, Danny Moore, Carlos Robertson, Jason Surrat, Howard Taylor; Machine Tool- Ronnie Parrott, Brent Martin, Jeffrey Coleman, Brent Alexander; Welding- William Atchison, Cory Ellis.
Twelve students were inducted into the National Technical Honor Society. Honor society inductees include William James, Charles Norsworthy, Dustin Seay, Michelle Fowler, Lesa Harris, Amanda Howell, Steve Crawford, James “Tad” Fuller, Tony Hernandez, Trevis Fuller, Randy Willis and Ronnie Parrott.
Following the ceremony, a reception was held in honor of the graduates and their families.