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The Summer Trimester at the
A total of 35 students received their diplomas or final certificates and numerous others were recognized for completing certificate levels during the summer 2008 Trimester. Also recognized during the ceremony were students who were inducted into the National Honor Society.
The students who completed requirements for graduation are: Bio-Medical- Travis Ellis; Business Systems McKenzie- Linda Thomas, Peggy Baker, Michelle Bona, Eva Morschett, Donna Bryant; Business Systems Martin- Sue Hicks, Debbie Hodge, Kelly Patterson, Loretta Wilds, Megan Gonzalez, Becky Hudson, Melissa Stewart, Daneen Windom; Computer Information- Bernardo Garcia, Cody Martin, Alister McAlister, Traven Parkhill; Industrial Maintenance McKenzie- Jeff Spring, Brandon Peevyhouse, Matthew Cunningham, James Kyle II; Industrial Maintenance Martin- David Meade III; Machine Tool- Jennifer McEntee, Jason Mathis, Cameron Gowan, Dereck Frazee; Welding- Adam McAlpin, Tyler Hughes, Desiree Taylor, William Ninness, Troy Manns, Anthony Patterson, Tyler Little, William Simmons.
Eight students were inducted into the National Technical Honor Society. Honor society inductees are Peggy Baker, April Depriest, Jennifer Eason, Margaret “Peg” Marshall, Loretta Wilds, Phillip Knott, James Cook, and Amanda Gapen.
Following the ceremony, a reception was held in honor of the graduates and their families.